"Gun Safety, Concealed Carry & Self-Defense Home Resource Guide"


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The book is a 89- page document.

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Attention Handgun Owners

If your basic firearm safety class was anything like mine, you listened to a teacher/trainer, took a multiple-choice test, shot a revolver and were given a certificate so you could apply for a concealed carry license. Very little support material came home with you and your memory quickly faded. You were left with more questions than answers. I sought out to learn more and gained added knowledge from the NRA folks. During my journey, I gathered lots of information and organized it into a "Home Resource Guide" that I could refer to over and over again. I offer this 89 page guide to you so you too can become or continue to be a responsible handgun owner.

Talking Points Include:

Key Florida Laws, Pistol Shooting Tips, Pointers For Men & Women, NRA Insurance, Needed Accessories List, Important Links, Lots of Q & A, N.S.S.F. Safety Tips, Concealed Carry Blunders & Mistakes, Reciprocity Map, Self Defense Laws, Fixing Malfunctions & Jams, Muscle Memory, Target Selection & Sighting, Range Etiquette and Appropriate Apparel, Firearm Cleaning, Glossary of Terms and lots more.

My "Gun Safety, Concealed Carry & Self-Defense Home Resource Guide" is designed to Introduce, Educate and Refresh new and seasoned handgun owners in the Florida Concealed Weapon Laws, Firearm Safety, Shooting Etiquette, and Terminology.

We are pleased to be able to offer the below podcasts on Gun Safety, Concealed Carry & Self Defense. Just click on the one you want to listen to. They are all about 12-15 minutes in length. Right click and select "Save Target As" to save to your computer.

Inside The Concealed Carry World

In this section, we will discuss
The following topics

1. Definition of a, “Concealed
2. 14 Basic Questions & Answers
3. Where it’s Legal & Not Legal
   To Carry Concealed
4. Burden of Proof In The Use
   of Deadly Force
5. Mistakes & Blunders in
   Carrying Concealed
6. Three Common Mistakes
7. Reciprocity Privileges
8. When To Use and Not Use
   Your Firearm
9. Carrying At Work & In
   Your Car or Truck
10. The Use of Deadly Force



Gun Safety
In this section, we will discuss the various aspects
of Gun Safety. We will look at the following topics:

1. 4-Basic Laws of Gun Safety
2. Top 10-Safety Tips
3. Florida Gun Laws & Restrictions
4. Self-Defense Laws
5. Double & Single Action Guns
6. Clearing A Jam or Malfunction
7. Categories of Malfunctions
8. Reasons Why Firearms Fail To Feed
9. Left Handed Shooting
10. Eight Ways Not To Grip A Pistol1. Proper Shooting Grip
12. Site Picture
13. Fire Arm Insurance
14. Pistol Shooting Tips
15. Proper Range Attire
16. Target Selection & Range
17. Do’s & Don’t At The Firing Range
18. Two Basic Shooting Stances
19. Rim Fire & Center Fire Pistols
20. The Revolver, A Very Good
21. Some Myths About Revolvers
22. Handgun Myths
23. The Well-Armed Woman
24. Muscle Memory & Handgun
25. A Commonsense Approach To
      Responsible Gun Ownership
26. On-going Training
27. Children And Guns
28. Shopping List of Necessary
29. Bullet Ricochets


In The Section, we will be discussing
various “Self-Defense” topics including:

1. Situational Awareness
2. Home Safety Inspections
3. Deterrents That Work
4. A Strategy Based Upon Passed Data
5. What To Do In A Home Invasion
6. Planning Your Defense
7. Firing Your Weapon
8. Actually Using Deadly Force
9. Thoughts of A Burglar
10. Fighting For Your Life
11. Non-Lethal Self-Defense Kit
12. What if You Lose Your Kit
13. What To Do If You’re Grabbed From
14. Lessons From Prison Security Teams
15. Christianity & Deadly Force
16. Christians & Gun Control
17. Carrying A Concealed Weapon From -
       A Christian Perspective


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